Copal Creative Studios…

Where practical neuroscience meets mystic, magic fun to create lasting change.

Having studied under some of the world’s most premier coaches, hypnotists and change makers, I, Ashley have the technical tools and skills to help you rewire your brain and make deep rooted change, on a subconscious level. (You know, the kind of change that actually sticks.) I marry those tools and techniques with a unique elixir of magic for each and every client… based on my magical mojo as well as the clients’.

The results will blow your fucking mind. (pardon our french but it’s 1000% true)

*we curse on our website, because we curse in real life. :) If this offends you, we totally understand that and we just might not be the right fit. If you appreciate that sometimes you really can’t fully express your emotions/ideas/thoughts without a good f-bomb… you’re our kinda people. :)

What We Can
Work On

I work with people on a wide range of topics.
Things like:

  • Something you’re feeling nervous or out of sorts about (that big presentation coming up, making big life decisions, having a tough convo with a friend or family member, trouble sleeping, etc.)

  • Something you want to do but feel blocked on (moving your body more, eating healthier, earning more, etc.)

  • A habit that you’d like to break (sodas, sugars, alcohol, nail-biting, mindless scrolling on your phone, etc.)

  • A habituated feeling you want to change (guilt, fear, anger, anxiety, etc.)

“I found the sessions to be really relaxed and easy to drop into. I've been excited to use the techniques this whole week with great success. It's been surprisingly simple to redirect myself back to how I want to feel when I realized I'm consciously making a choice.” - Erica


Our sessions are always tailored 100% to you.

Together, we work through what’s coming up for you, what you need and want in the moment. Rather than bringing a set “program” to you, I have a wide array of tools and techniques that we can use, depending on where each session takes us.

No matter what we’re working on, I’ll be sure that we work through it right then and there.

We will do things like…

  • Rewire your brain to really make lasting change.

  • Get clarity and guidance around how to solve for it. (spoiler alert - the answers are all inside of YOU - we simply help you tap into your unconscious mind to discover it.)

  • Learn life-changing tools and skills you can use for the rest of your life.

  • Feel clear and confident on how to take those next smallest steps towards your solution.

“It sounds like hyperbole, but I mean it: I got more out of one session than I have out of years of going to therapy.” - Janae

Hypno-coaching works for changing any habit.

Whether that be a habituated thought pattern (anxiety, anger, fear, etc), a habituated action (nail-biting, procrastination, etc) or addictions (sugar, sodas, alcohol, screens, etc).
The brain processes it all the same and it’s a remarkably simple process to “rewire the brain”.

*I personally used these techniques to give up a 40 year addiction to Diet Coke, cold turkey and on a whim. And no, that is not a typo - FORTY YEARS - my first sip of Diet Coke was in my bottle as a baby.

Ask me about it, it was what convinced me that I had to start sharing these tools with the world!

I offer free initial sessions so you can try it out and see how powerful this work is for yourself.
It’s a chance for us to meet, and for you to get to know me, and my style and see if you would like to work together. We’ll make lasting, powerful change for you in that one single session, without a doubt.


01 Schedule Your Free Session

As you schedule your free call, you’ll tell us a little about what you want to work on via a simple scheduling form. This way we can make the most of our time together on the call.

02 Your Free Hypno-Coaching Call Via Zoom

We will get together for an hour and have a full blown session. Right then and there, we’ll make lasting change for you and I will teach you the how-to’s of changing habituated thought patterns in your brain.

03 Practical Magic Time

Throughout our time working together, we will change your habituated thought patterns, behaviors, addictions, whatever it is you want to change. All while focusing on how you want to feel and be instead. We incorporate various methods such as integrative hypnosis, coaching the unconscious mind, the META pattern for change, etc to make lasting change.

04 You Continue The Work

Throughout our time working together, we will give you the tools to make these changes life-long and continue the practice beyond our time together. You will have developed your own Practical Magic and you’ll know how to use it. We also invite all of our coaching clients to continue to thrive in our online Girls Club Community.



There are so many ways to work with us!
Remember… we are a creative studio where we learn and play and create our own magic, each and every one of us! Here are all of the ways that you can get in on the fun.

  • One on One Coaching with Ashley is where you are able to begin the process of truly transformational change work.

    You can book a free consultation call HERE.

  • Our Girls Club Online Community is where we can all connect and support one another. We get together the first Wednesday of each month via zoom and stay connected via the private online portal.

    You can learn all about the Girls Club HERE.

  • Mala Beads have been used since ancient times in many religions and regions of the world as part of meditation or prayer practice. We offer hand made Mala beads to be used as part of your meditation practice. We also use them ourselves as “anchors” in the change work we do for ourselves and sometimes recommend them to clients for that same purpose.

    You can shop our hand made Malas right here.

  • We know that getting started in your own meditation practice can feel daunting, so we are currently recording a number of guided meditations, and mini-self hypnosis that can be accessed via your favorite podcast player.

    Sign up to get our free meditations as soon as they are released HERE.