Specializing in Practical Magic

Blending neuroscience with simple, fun, dare we say magical elements, we have created a studio where each client is empowered to brew up their own personal, practical magic.


Ashley Campo, founder of Copal Creative Studios believes ever so strongly in the need to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. Having grown up in a strict, patriarchal religion, with a narcissistic parent, and becoming someone’s caretaker at an early age… she has, just like all of her clients, struggled with anxiety and shame and guilt and self-worth issues. Having now studied under some of the world’s most premier coaches, hypnotists and change makers she now happily helps others break free of that mental baggage that can become so cumbersome for so many people, especially women.

Magic happens when you most expect it.

Copal Creative Studios is a place where we believe in magic. We have seen it up close and personal in our own lives and we see it in our clients each and every session.
Major, life changing transformations happen all the time.

And the beauty of it is, it even gets to be fun, to be exciting, to be easy, to be gentle and playful and whatever feels right to you.


We named our business after the incense, Copal (pronounced Co-Paul)… very common in Mexico and known for its mystic, healing properties. We are a Creative Studio because we always want to remain open to change, and practice and play amongst our work. There is a bit of a yin and a yang to it… the duality of a business based on Practical Magic.


Corporate “Escapees”

My husband and I said “fuck it” to corporate life seven years ago and move to Mexico to start living life on our own terms. It’s been a wild ride ever since and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Full Time Caretakers

Two years ago, we moved my then-94 year old grandfather to Mexico to live with us and give him a better quality of life. He absolutely loves it here and we are now his full time, primary caretakers.
(told you… it’s been a wild ride! hehe)

Container Home Builders

We are currently building a container house here in Baja and we’re almost done! This project has also contributed to that wild ride but we are so excited to finally be done and in our new home!


We specialize in anti-anxiety and stress management techniques that our clients can learn to do themselves. Together we will actually rewire your brain and change habituated, unconscious patterns using tools that are remarkably simple, yet backed by the latest neuroscientific research!